We are honoured with another InovaLIG- Innovation Leaders award!

Our company is thrilled to have been selected for the second time in the SME category of Turkey's first Innovation Development Programme, InovaLIG Innovation Leaders, where Turkey's most innovative companies compete based on their innovation competencies.
Our team, mentors, and stakeholders deserve our gratitude for their dedication and support in making this success possible.
At the award ceremony attended by our esteemed President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, our Sales, Marketing and Operations Director, Mr Mehmet Berk, received the award from Minister of Industry and Technology, Mr Mustafa Varank and TIM President Mr Mustafa Gültepe on behalf of Çizgi Teknoloji family.
We are working towards becoming an international brand that integrates future technologies into its products and solutions, setting an example in digitalization. Our mission is to develop innovative hardware and software products with high added value that will increase digitalization, which has become a lifestyle and offer them globally.
We define innovation as understanding innovation and change to protect and increase market share with innovative products and services, improve processes, increase quality, and remain competitive.
It has been a pleasure and a privilege to participate in the 9th Turkey Innovation Week. We are pleased to thank the Ministry of Trade, the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and the Turkish Exporters Assembly for supporting the innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.